Customer Testimonials

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“Highly recommended! I had all but given up on finding a solution for the pain in my feet caused by plantar fasciitis, but a coworker swears by Fix My Feet and I’m so glad I checked it out for myself! Finding pain relief is truly priceless to me. Thank you!” – Maryanne Jacobs of Shelby Township, MI

“I am so impressed with my entire experience with Fix My Feet. I had just about given up finding a solution to the incessant pain in my feet, which has led to back pain for years. My mother in law went to Fix My Feet in Royal Oak and insisted I give it a try after she had great success with them. I am so grateful I listened, and even more grateful this really WORKED. I was also relieved that they have a 90 day trial where they will resize it twice if needed, and appreciated being told that up front. 5 big stars from me!” – Katherine Bourque of Royal Oak, MI

“I have been suffering with foot and back pain for years. I heard about fix my feet from a coworker and searched them out. I stopped in at the Royal Oak location and the staff was very friendly. They fitted me with arch supports and I had instant relief. Highly recommend Fix my Feet!” – H. Kosmowski of St Clair Shores, MI

“I am so happy to have found Fix My Feet. As my Mom’s foot pain has gotten worse month after month, I felt helpless trying and failing with other products and companies. I called and spoke to the owner, who was patient and warm without being pushy. My Mom is now feeling relief for the first time in 3 years! Thank you so much!” – DK Berg of Royal Oak, MI

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